iPhone Apps

iPhones are the hottest craze and having an app made for it gets you International distribution on iTunes. Anyone can find your app by simply searching the iTunes Store for keywords related to your app’s genre or functionalities. Whether it’s an app for productivity, artistry, music, or whatever…you can get a fan base all over the world.
We can make your idea into a reality and get it onto iTunes. We are licensed, certified, and approved Apple Developers through our sister company The Phone App Company ®. Anything you can think of can be created. Nothing is impossible these days. Expect miracles!
The following instructions will help prepare you for submitting your idea to us:

1. Prepare a summary as to how your app should work and operate. List the functions that you would like the app to have.

2. Learn from others’ mistakes. Go grab a couple of apps from the iTunes App Store that are representative of your competition. Use what they did right, and seriously avoid what they did wrong.

3. Think up a name for the app (Checking the iTunes Store to see if that app name is already taken). Then check to see if the domain for that name is available. (We recommend GoDaddy.com)

4. Innovation is the mother of all apps. Don’t follow the masses (how many crude bodily-function-oriented apps does the market need?) — rather, start a new trend.